In today's news is the story of a couple, Terry and Sarah Smith, whose dog, Poppy, escaped from its cage in the cargo hold of their plane as it was taking off. A spokesperson for Animal Airlines, which transported the pet, said "If an animal wants to get out it will. There was nothing we could have done."
Does this dog have opposable thumbs? Because, unless she does, you could try putting a halfway decent lock on that cage and it should be pretty easy to prevent any animal from escaping. Animal Airlines have transported dogs for 40 years, and they say this is the first time a dog has escaped. What, were they just trusting the dogs to sit and stay up until this incident? Was Poppy the dog that special, she nudged the door?
Spokesperson from Animal Airlines - listen up... Use a lock. Put in a catch. Try wedging the cage door shut. Anything. If a dog wants to escape, you can outthink its dastardly plan. You're people. It's a dog. What's the problem?
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