Friday, February 16, 2007


His bark is worse than his bite. That's reassuring isn't it? His bark is worse than his bite. He barks real loud, it's very scary, you jump out of your skin, but if he clamps those big, slavering jaws around your hand you'll think that that is okay.

Does this sound right? I'd suggest that any bite whatsoever is not good. If at any point someone or something bites me, I'm calling that a bad day. He's hanging on my arm, I cannot free myself from the clutch of his jaws, and you tell me his bark is worse than this? It's louder, sure, but there was no actual physical attack at that point, let me remind you. Until then, he was just talking loudly.

Is there any situation where a bark is worse than a bite? Alsatians? Tigers? Tyrannosaurus Rex? I'm ticking them off here on the fingers I have left after trying to be bitten by these mean barking animals, and I have to tell you that the barking stage of our relationship was a comparative utopia. I'd like to go back to that. I may not be conscious of the barking so much now, what with the biting of the ears from that rabid Doberman during my research for this piece.

I'll tell you what I'll do. When that sucker is clinging onto your leg leaving indentations with his teeth, you can tell me that his bark is worse. Right now, I don't think I'll test your theory.

No matter how many times I hear that phrase, I can’t help thinking my life is better off not actually risking it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


So let me get this straight.

We've had the combustion engine for, what, 150 years or something. And yet we're still watching people ride bicycles around the European country that is France.

Riding a bike.


A whole country.

In fact, this is such a great bit of sport that Britain has actually asked to be part of it. The Tour de France is going to have a leg in London, I think.

What are these people thinking?

If you're popping down to the local shops the bike is all well and good. If you want a leisurely amble by the riverside, the bicycle is a fine option. But if you need to travel around a whole country get a car. A cab. A train. Get yourself a pony even. But, come on - riding a bike with all the pedalling and the leaning?

They should call that race the Chore de France.