Wednesday, August 31, 2005


"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. I've resigned."

For 17 episodes of "The Prisoner", Number Six trekked around the Village, trying to work out where he was and how he could escape. Patrick McGoohan's character spent each of those episodes unclear about where he had been trapped. It was a surreal world - an apparently self-contained village with no contact with the outside world. The Village was full of eccentric characters, brass band music permeated the atmosphere and nothing ever seemed quite real. And, crucially, no one ever, ever left the Village.

Since its inception, the show has been tirelessly debated in fan circles. Where is it based? What does it mean? What was the last episode really all about?

Well, people, I think I've figured it out. And, yes, I am willing to share that information with you, my loyal Krusty fans.

The bandstand, the eccentric characters, the feeling of unreality - it all points to one thing. Number Six spent those 17 episodes trapped in Trumpton. You know - just outside Chigley, down the road from Camberwick Green.

Once you work that out, it's pretty clear who Number One was... Brian Cant.

"Number Two, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Number Six, Dibble, Grubb..."


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