Wednesday, August 03, 2005


As supervillains go, you have to hand it to the Riddler. Not only does he wear the gaudy costume with no superpowers whatsoever, he obsessively comes up with a riddle before committing a crime. And not just one riddle, either - he'll usually have three or four in stock for various parts of the caper.

Here's a Riddler classic...

Q. There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes and no matches - how do they manage to smoke?

A. They throw one cigarette overboard and make the boat a cigarette lighter.

Now, that's pretty smart. Can you imagine coming up with three or four of those every time you want to do anything? Can you imagine coming up with even one?

If he hadn’t been a supervillain, the Riddler could have got the job as editor of the Beano in a second.


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