Thursday, June 30, 2005


Being invited to see your friend's new baby is in no way like being invited over to see your friend.

When you see your friend you have a laugh, you are entertained, you have a lot of time for the intricacies of their life. Basically, you're pretty much happy just to see them and know that they are okay.

It's very uncomfortable meeting their new baby. While the essential qualities of your friend may still be present, this is really a whole new entity. If it wasn't for the connection to your friend, quite honestly you would have no reason to be interested in the baby. If a flyer about that baby were handed to you in the street and you didn't know it was your friend's, you'd probably toss it straight in the next litter bin.

In simple terms, babies are the biological equivalent of bad sequels to movies you love.

"Now, I loved 'Best Friend', but I'm in two minds about 'Best Friend 2'. Have you see it yet?"

"Oh, yeah 'Best Friend 2' is okay but not a patch on the first. It's just an infantile copy of the original. If I were you I'd get 'Best Friend 1' out on DVD instead."

"Ouch, two thumbs down!"


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