Is it necessary for anyone who doesn't wear fur to also not wear clothes?
That's the campaign, isn't it?
"I don't wear fur" - picture of model naked.
And this has been the campaign for 20 years now. "I don't wear fur" - naked model. "Wearing fur is wrong" - naked actress. "Please don't wear fur" - naked, naked, naked.
You know what? I don't wear fur. I don’t have a stole. I don't own a mink coat. There is no man-fur in my wardrobe. No giant furry klown slippers. Really, I have no fur products in my life. I am not wearing fur right now.
But, I can still wear clothes. I am aware that the negation of fur from my wardrobe does not mean that I must automatically wear no clothes. I can put things into two piles - fur that is wrong to wear, and non-fur that is okay to wear. That way, I can just choose from the okay pile. When it comes to the wearing or not wearing of fur, I can solve the equation - no fur, wear other clothes. To me, that's simple.
But these PETA people and their naked campaigning. What are they thinking? "Is there fur in this? I'd better not wear it, just in case. I don’t want anyone to catch me out."
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