Friday, November 04, 2005


I'm getting mighty tired of the anti-smoking lobby now. Smoking's bad for you, I get that. The warning on the side of the cigarette packet and on all the advertising makes it pretty clear. Smoking and illiteracy don't go hand in hand as far as I'm aware. There's really no need to make a great big song and dance out of it every time someone puts up an advertising hoarding in the same country where children are being raised.

The smokers seem like a more considerate group to me. There's no hard core of smokers insisting we have a National Smoking Week, is there? You know, a whole week where everyone has to smoke. No, they're happy to carry on puffing away, not interfering with anyone else. Lower stress levels, I think - they take things more in their stride.

With the anti-smoking lobby I think it's become an addiction. Maybe they could develop a patch or something, wean these people off their obsessive whining.


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