Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Walking on stilts is the real world answer to having superpowers. You know, you're up there, looking down on everyone else, head in the clouds. Okay, so not really in the clouds, but maybe nine feet high, something like that.

There are pros and cons to wearing stilts.

On the plus side, you can reach the high shelves, nobody blocks your light when you're reading, you can see who's making that noise down the street without really going to much effort.

On the down side, you really have to duck to get into the house, nobody wants to give you a lift into town and it's tough to find clothes that fit.

You see those houses they build in swampland or near rivers - Louisiana, places like that - they build the whole house on stilts. In that house everyone has superpowers. Step out the door - you're back to being Clark Kent again, I'm afraid.


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