Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I am mystified by the legal process. It seems that if you don't get the result you want at the trial you take it to appeal. Are the appeal judges smarter? Is that the idea behind this? We have a collection of so-so legal experts at the original trial, but once it goes to appeal we bring in the good people?

Why not just start with the appeal? That's where you get the result you want. Why waste time at the original trial getting the result you didn't want so that you can then have it overturned?

I bet the first judge gets pretty mad at the appeal judge for overturning his verdict. "Hey, buddy - I heard all the evidence. I made my decision. Who do you think you are, butting in like this?"

I think they just like to use that word: overruled. Those were the rules - but now we're going over. You stick to the rules. I'm over the rules. I'm overruling you. You have been placed beneath my rules because I am the overruler.


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