Saturday, August 11, 2007


It’s tough to leave a job. It’s not so much that heady goodbye to the steady income, it’s really the fact that it’s so hard to put it into words, the whole language is against you.

Retire? I want to retire? Well, that seems a pretty odd way of saying it. I mean, I was tired, I can’t deny that, but do I want to retire? Get more tired. Improve my tire ratio? I’ve got to tell you that I really do not. The only retiring I’ll be doing, Bazooka Joe, is when the klown car gets a flat.

Resign? Well, I’m not sure that’s what I was looking to do. Really, I signed a long time ago now, that’s pretty much what got me in this whole employment situation to begin with. What I’m really trying to do is un-sign. De-sign. If I re-sign surely I have to do more of this job, not less.

I think they could streamline the terminology used in this situation. What if they just call it job and un-job. Then you’d know what you were getting into or out of.


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