If misery loves company does that mean a hermit is the happiest guy in the world?
He's spending all his time alone, he has no company and hence, no misery. You see my reasoning here, yes? I'm not pretending to be an expert on making people happy, don't let my cheery demeanour and jolly expression fool you.
I'm just trying to work the equation through, simple mathematics. If x = y, where x is misery and y is company, you see this, don't you?
As a rule, serial killers are loners. Often the term used is "neurotic loner", that's a popular catch-all descriptor for the serial killer type. I think they must be very, very happy people. And serial killers. Hmm...
I guess too much happiness is a bad thing. That's a good lesson to take away from your old pal Krusty, I think.
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