Wednesday, June 27, 2007


The problem with writer's block is that it's called writer's block. I mean, that's an example right there of writer's block isn't it? When they named that? You have all your smart wordsmiths together and they're trying to give a good name to this problem of not being able to write for a temporary period and the best they came up with is "writer's block"? Man, they must have all been suffering that day. Where's the romance, where’s the excitement?

Now, I do admire the writer's block name. It has a certain flow. It sounds kind of Soviet, like some big commune full of writers that has declared itself free of the mother country. "Yes, we are now Writer's Bloc."

It just doesn't seem a great term for something that's all about using words. If I was giving a name to the phenomenon of not being able to write I'd want to call it something clever, something poetic and kind of flashy. Something that romanticised the whole thing just a little.

I'd call it Scriptonite poisoning.


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